Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's been a while...

So I have to admit I took a little break after Halloween. After I finished the house, I moved on to costumes. A total of 4! Somewhere in there I made a quilt for the fall festival silent auction at the elementary school too. I will have to post some pics of all of that.
My break ended last week with the arrival of almost 40 yards of crushed velvet to be turned into 10 panels for window coverings. That really got me in gear and I whipped those out in a day and a half. Then came the announcement of the Cub Scout craft sale on December 8. Whaa? Did somebody say craft sale? That really got me going...
So I made some key chains!
Super easy, the brown is bias tape, and the rest is ribbon. I still need to make about 50 more!

While I was at the Cub Scout meeting, one of the leaders mentioned aprons. Ohh Ohh mee mee, I make aprons! Challenge accepted. I went home and started rummaging through my fabric closet. I got out all of my remnants and started making little girl aprons. They are great for remnants because they only need half a yard or so of the main fabric, and very little of the contrast. This was so much fun for me. I have a 6yr old boy. I never get to sew girl stuff. After I made the apron I asked him to try it on (to check the fit) NO WAY MOM!

Here is the first one I made.

After this one came out soo darn cute, I got super excited, (you know, the kind where you are dreaming about coordinating fabrics). I woke up the next morning and whipped out 2 more aprons.

This is what I put together in my sleep!
I think I need to dream sew more often.

After digging through all of my fabric, I found this great cherry fabric I had ordered months ago. I didn't really forget about it, it had just temporarily slipped my mind. When I ordered it, it just screamed MAKE AN APRON OUT OF ME!  But I had only ordered 1 yard of the main fabric and 1/2 yard of the contrast. I finally found a pattern that only needed 1 yard!!

Here it is!

Remember, this sew-a-thon started on Monday with 40 yards of curtains? Well, now its Friday, and I start my day with a trip to JoAnn's. I told myself all week that I was not going to buy anything for this donation, I really needed to purge my fabric closet. But then I got the greatest idea to make stockings. I needed red fabric, so I HAD to go, right????

I found my red fabric, and here are the stockings I came up with.
I used old denim for the patchwork.

I have a pic of all 4 that I made, but I am currently having technical difficulties with that picture. 
I will post it later ;)

And who would have guessed that while I was at JoAnn's, I found some really great Christmas fabric to make mother-daughter aprons? I ran out of time to make them on Friday. I was so disappointed, I have to work on Saturday and Sunday. (I can't play all of the time, gotta make some $$ to buy more fabric!) The Christmas aprons will have to wait until next week :(

I apologize for the picture quality. I will come back with some better pics on Monday.